The Era of You
Elizabeth Henry Collection is a reintroduction of heirloom pieces transformed into modern rarities, each from a range of historical eras using period masters and modern techniques. Each of these ten historical eras articulates a distinct persona. Elizabeth seeks to assist women as they reclaim the many facets of their selfhood through jewelry, pursuing and embracing the era that feels most true to their contemporary self. One must query: which persona speaks most veritably to me? As such, each encounter with Elizabeth Henry Collection is designed to be an origin story of the self—a reincarnation of one’s past and an expression of one’s present (and that which one wishes to become). In the donning of art on one’s body, broken binaries—the transcendent and the immanent, the material and the immaterial, the historical and the potential—are disrupted and coalesced. Elizabeth aspires to create and curate extraordinary pieces that all women may experience this remarkable coalescence for themselves.

The Icon
The lioness is the quintessential icon of female power; even her stance exudes confidence. Inspired by this timeless creature, Elizabeth Henry Collection imparts an understated truth: a woman’s confidence is her most striking adornment.
The Showroom
In June 2023, Elizabeth Henry Collection opened a showroom on Congress Street in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Upon entering the store, one enters a new domain, a domain of warm, elevated tones—cream and chartreuse—and natural, raw textures—hard mahogany wood and soft velvet. The storefront is subtle and sophisticated; it allows the personas behind each era to speak for themselves.
Elizabeth Henry Collection is intended to be a breath of fresh air, diverging from one’s preconceptions of a ‘store.’ Elizabeth Henry Collection is not a place to ‘be sold’; rather, it is a place to explore and learn—about the pieces and about one’s self. It is a place to cherish beauty—the beauty on display and one’s own distinct beauty.

The Elizabeth Henry Collection Woman
Elizabeth Henry Collection is designed for the eclectic, modern woman. She is tough. She is courageous. She is daring. She is authentic. She stands out in a crowd. She knows age is just a number, and her best years are yet to come. She looks to leave a legacy. She treats herself unapologetically. She showcases her beauty unabashedly. Most of all, she loves a good story.